Samyoung Heavy Industries
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Quality/ Environment/ Safety/ Health Management

◎ Quality Poilcy

Samyoung Heavy Industies Co., Ltd is pusuing the production of perfect quality by the complete quality management and quality assurance system through the whole manufacturing activity. In addition, we promise to provide the best production and service by constant effect for quality improvement and cost reduction.

◎ Quality Assurance

Samyoung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd is making great effort to maximize the customer satisfaction ultimately by pursuing quality satisfaction through the whole process from the plan to product shipments and A/S through the quality management system based on ISO9001:2008 / KS:2009.

◎ Safety Policy

  1. We are Respecting the regulations of Safety and improving Safety mind of workers.
  2. We are education the important of Safety before start working and are checking all of things in order to protect the dangerous facts. Also, in advance, we are deleting the facts of dangerous.
  3. We are installing all of Safety instuments and we are improving the activity of Safety.

◎ Health Policy

  1. We are Respecting the regulation of health and are doing inspection the Health of our workers at General Hostpital.
  2. We are changing the conditions of baf to good conditions.
  3. We are protecting the decease... Etc.

◎ Environment Policy

  1. The environment is very importent for company activity. So, through the checking and improving, we are creating The major value.
  2. We are protecting the create dirty material of environment pollution in order to make clean workshop.
  3. We are respecting the rule of environment and we are Campaining the activity of protect the broken of environment.
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